Sacred Heart Catholic School

Child Care

“I really like how all the teachers are calm and they know how to help me.  The classes are really fun, especially Art and P.E.  I really like Science and also like the playground.  Sacred Heart is different from other schools because I get special attention and have gotten a lot better at Math compared to when I was at a public school.  It’s also very different because there is no bullying.  All the kids are really nice because the kids believe in Jesus.  They love Christ and pray, and it makes them happier and calmer.  I also like being in person for learning.  It’s really nice and you feel comforted.”

- Mirabelle - Student

About Child Care

PS/PK Child Care

Pre School and Pre-Kindergarten Day Care Hours are 11:00 am to 6:00 pm Monday-Friday during regular school days and 7:30 am to 6:00 pm Monday-Friday on no school days. Children must have a lunch or lunch ticket. Afternoon snack is provided.

Kindergarten Child Care

Kindergarten child care is available:

Monday-Thursday from 3:00 pm-6:00 pm and 11:15 am- 6:00 pm on Fridays. Afternoon snack is provided. On Fridays children must provide a lunch or lunch ticket.

Early Drop Off Child Care

  • Monday-Fridays 7:15 am-7:45 am.
  • $3.25 per child per day.
  • Space is limited to 10 children.

Please complete the form here and return to Terry Fry in the office to register for early childcare.  Form will need to be completed prior to using early drop off.  No children will be allowed to wait in the front office prior to the playground gates opening.

After School Child Care

  • Monday–Fridays 3:00 pm- 6:00 pm.
  • Non School days 7:30 am- 6:00pm.

Afternoon snack will be provided. If a child participates in sports on premises we will walk child over and pick up.

Downloadable Forms and Applications

2024-2025 School Year

Sacred Heart
Catholic School