One of the Lenten projects of our Faith Family Groups at Sacred Heart School this year is to create a “pay it forward thank you card.” Several large poster size cards will be given out to various organizations that are of service in our community. Some of these organizations are the Medford Police Department, the Medford Fire Department, Providence Hospital, VA Domiciliary, the Medford Post Office, our television news broadcast stations, and St. Vincent de Paul, to name just a few. Within the poster thank you card will be smaller thank you cards that may be distributed by the individuals at the various organizations to “thank” someone of their choice.
Sacred Heart Catholic School
Pay it Forward Thank You Cards
“We currently have been part of the Sacred Heart family for 8 years. We have 3 children enrolled, ranging from pre-k to 8th grade. The education provided is the best in the region. The community atmosphere can not be beat! All of our children love attending this school.”